Thursday, June 3, 2010

.: Bienvenido A Madrid :.

It’s about 2:00pm and I am waiting at terminal C15 for my flight to Madrid. That’s right…I’m going to Spain for one month of cultural immersion! I should be extremely excited given the array of wonderful foods that the country offers, the beautiful attractions to see, and the vibrant culture of the Madrileño people. However, there is one small issue standing in my way – nerves. 

Now, I am not a novice to travel. I have been to the majority of the eastern Unites States as well as Italy. Although my travel experience may not be as rich as some others, there is no doubt that I know what I’m doing. Right? Well, not so much…I have never flown by myself within the states, let alone internationally.  The prospect of studying in another country overwhelmed any fears I had until I actually began the preparation process for my trip. One part of me knows that this will be a good experience, a time of personal growth.  The other part of me is struggling to keep my gastrointestinal system in check.

The purpose of this trip is for study and enjoyment. I am going with a small group of about 15-20 students from my university.  I’ll be taking two classes over the course of the month: a conversation class and an art class. Both should be absolutely awesome seeing that they are taught by professors that I have had during previous semesters at school.  I will be staying in the northern part of Madrid, near Santiago Bernabéu soccer stadium (Go Real Madrid!), with Señora Menchi Ubieta.  I also have a roommate who is from my university which is such a relief – now I can get lost and be confused with someone else instead of by myself. What a relief that will be.  In addition, throughout the month there will be weekend trips to different cities in Spain, including Toledo, Leon, Segovia, and Sevilla.

It’s now 2:30pm and my flight to Atlanta, GA has just arrived. After I arrive in Atlanta, I connect to my international flight, which will land in Madrid at 9:30am Tuesday morning.  Having to connect flights affords me a whole other set of travel anxiety: Will I get to my next flight on-time? Will there be dinner on the plane? Is my carry-on too big? What if my luggage is lost? WHAT IF I VOMIT DURING THE FLIGHT!?!?  Sorry…I got a little overexcited there. Nonetheless, any type of travel is stressful. You have to plan the trip, make flight arrangements, pack your luggage, arrive at the airport early (which is arguably the hardest part), use a foreign language (if applicable), etc…

In the end, I know that all this anxiety and preparation will pay off. Madrid will be a wonderful city and I will have a wonderful time – without getting mugged.  At least, that’s what I keep telling myself…

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