Saturday, February 19, 2011

.: Digital Humans :.

It’s 2065 AD and the world is more advanced than ever before. Most notably, everyone seems to be more intelligent, more alert, and more sophisticated than in the past. They can compute 27,150 x 369 in their minds. They can store massive amount of information in their brains. Their thoughts and memories are uploaded to silicon chips. They are Digital Humans.

This scenario is David D. Friedman’s prognosis for the future, as laid out in his book entitled Future Imperfect: Technology and Freedom in an Uncertain World. Although the combination of the human body with technology may seem unlikely at this point, our society is hurtling toward a technology-saturated future where the line between man and machine is blurred. In his writings, Friedman mentions Moore’s Law, which states that every 1 to 2 years, modern computing ability doubles in power. This could mean that in as little as 50 years, we will have the knowledge and ability to create technology sophisticated enough to mimic the human brain. (Friedman, 2008) This radical development could lead to the creation of advanced microchips implanted in the brain, harnessing the power of computers within the human body. Thus, Digital Humans would come into existence.

Now the question is: What does it mean to be a Digital Human? First and foremost, Digital Humans lead a sort of hybrid existence. Much of the mental processing done within the brain can be shifted onto the digital implant so as to increase mental capacity for calculations and thought. This idea can be compared to adding more memory to a computer so that it can process commands more quickly and multitask more effectively. In a manner of speaking, the Digital Human is a living, breathing computer. A major benefit would be the ability to “upload” information to the brain’s microchip. As mentioned in Future Imperfect, Friedman asserts that “over time, more and more of your thinking is done in silicon, less and less in carbon. Eventually your brain, perhaps your body as well, comes to play a minor role in your life…”

Even though this may seem to be a promising outlook, there are also some interesting issues generated. For example:

Is our humanity in jeopardy when the body is fundamentally incorporated with technology? Are Digital Humans even considered “human” at all?  Is there a risk of totally succumbing to the digital side of the brain?  Can a Digital Human turn into a “robot”?  Are they susceptible to computer viruses?  Or will Digital Humans create an improved race of beings, capable of advancing society to a better and brighter future?  Perhaps the increased mental capacity for processing and thought will allow for a more fruitful and competent society?

These dilemmas don’t yet have answers, but they are worth considering.

Currently, we can observe the basic elements of digital integration in our daily lives as seen through portable electronic devices and virtual reality. In fact, immersive virtual reality could be the first step towards techno-human integration. Philip Rosedale, creator of the online virtual reality program SecondLife, states that “the virtual world is the average of everything humans desire.” (McNally & Fedde, 2010). What we cannot achieve in real life can be realized in virtual reality, albeit to a limited extent. As of now, virtual reality only engages two main senses: sight and sound. However this is quickly changing.

The study entitled Virtual Interpersonal Touch: Haptic Interaction and Copresence in Collaborative Virtual Environments purports that “as communication systems grow to allow more channels or information to integrate psychologically meaningful ways, more and more people will come to rely on using multiple channels during remote communication.” (Bailenson & Yee, 2007) That’s to say, people will soon have the desire to engage four or five of the human senses during communication, a feature which could be provided by immersive virtual reality. This type of virtual reality will seamlessly integrate the virtual world with the real world, maybe to the point where it will be difficult to distinguish between the two. A refinement of this concept could be the cerebral microchip implant in Digital Humans, creating the “ultimate virtual reality,” one that is displayed in front of you through your very own eyes.

No matter the potential outcome, one fact remains: This technology could absolutely be available in the near future. At the very least, we must entertain such a possibility and begin to assess the different issues (both good and bad) that could arise from creating Digital Humans and immersive virtual reality. Furthermore, it would be wise to devise a way to regress Digital Humans back to “regular” humanity in the event of technological malfunction or change of preference. In the end, Aldous Huxley may have been right – it is a Brave New World out there.


Bailenson, J. N., & Yee, N. (2007, September 2). Virtual Interpersonal Touch: Haptic Interaction and Copresence in Collaborative Virtual Environments. International Journal of Multimedia Tools and Applications, doi:10.1007/s11042-007-0171-2

Friedman, D. D. (2008). Future Imperfect: Technology and Freedom in an Uncertain World. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press

McNally, Caitlin (Producer), & Fedde R.A. (Producer). (2010). In, Digital Nation. PBS.


  1. It's terrifying to me that this technology could very well be available in a few years, or even in my lifetime.

  2. I get the chills thinking about digital humans. Why would anyone want to risk having their will dominated by a machine or someone with the newest fancy mind control remote!?!

  3. I've really enjoyed reading your blog. I think you've made a lot of really good points that are well developed and strongly supported. Your writing style is also very open and eloquent and makes your entries a pleasure to read. Great blog!

  4. I enjoyed reading your blog. It's very well written and flows well. I also like that you're listing sources, it's not something we see often on blogs.

    In terms of future technologies and advances, I wonder if it isn't sort of a pre-requisite for the majority to feel frightened and put off by things that seem alien to us. Throughout history there are quite a few examples of society as a whole fighting hard against 'new' things that involved a complete change at the very core of society. Even discoveries that put in question the very foundation of what we always believed in are strongly rejected and feared by the 'old' generation, and then accepted almost naturally as new generations are born into the 'new' way (I'm thinking about such things as the discovery that the Earth wasn't in fact flat, etc). The same thing or type of strong rejection seems to apply when we imagine a future drastically different from the present we've experienced so far.
